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Next Casca story will be Casca 62: The Nationalist, set during the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s, and sees Casca fighting on the side of Franco against the Republicans. I am halfway through it and expect the story to be released around March next year. ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago

Casca Rufio Longinus

The Eternal Mercenary created by Barry Sadler, forever fighting until the  Second Coming. This website is dedicated to the history, character and novels  of this immortal soldier.

In over 50 novels Casca fights throughout 2,000 years of history, from the time of the Caesars to the modern day. Browse through these pages to find out more about this fascinating character.

Casca book covers artwork is created by John Thompson



This is now the only site you can buy new Casca books from in the world.  The publisher’s shop on Amazon has been closed, leaving me as the only source of new Casca books.  I also sell new reprints of the old Barry Sadler Casca novels, which are available on the shop under ‘legacy Casca’.

One consequence of me being the only source for new Casca books is that I’m now printing them privately and that means an overhaul of some of the covers.  Here are some examples below.